
Statistics 6070

I was very excited and interested in bettering myself in teaching statistics. I have never been strong in the subject, after three courses in stats including mathematics stats, the hardest course; I still struggle with basic understanding. So naturally, I hated the subject and rejected all hope of being a strong teacher. I was very hostile to the work and became frustrated easily.

As the course progressed it was not any easier to understand. It has been a couple of years since I have seen most of the work that we were doing in the course. After several worksheets and a cooperative learning environment I have started to grow in acceptance of teaching stats. I am beginning to locate ideas of statistical thinking in the classroom and life examples.

This portfolio was the greatest help to me as an educator and I am very grateful for what this project has opened my eyes to. I have never really read any articles and being forced too have made me greatly appreciate how to teach and new ways to teach not just stats but all math. I feel that this project has helped me understand how to portray statistical ideas and problems to students.

With the closing of this course, I feel that I will be able to expand myself as a educator in statistics. I think that I can be more confidence in front of the classroom when I am teaching this subject. My easy of statistical thinking has improved greatly and providing my students with a better statistics setting is now something I can achieve.

I have and will continue to struggle with some of the work that is to be done. I need to place more time in working our problems such that I can grow my confidence in the mathematics work. Since I had gaps in conceptual analysis for stats work I have gaps in doing the work. The following course Stats 6310 will provide the work that is needed to make me the most well rounded stats educator I can be at this time. I know that at the end of this series I will not only be ready to teach but be ready to being the process to teach AP too.

Thank you Ms. Franklin for not giving up on me and providing me with such a great learning setting to grow in such a way as an educator. I feel that I have been provided such pedagogy that I will dominate in the classroom. And too Adam Molnar, and Dr. Jennifer Kaplan thank you as well for being very patience and more than knowledgeable in all that we do in the course. You three are a great trio and have been the best help.